Light, vitality, breath
Goal Photo shoot designed to express the light, vitality and breath values of Dolomia by means of a face.
Concept & Design Neutral backdrops, natural light and hair blown by the wind. The stylistic choices that characterize the shots want to convey to the observer all the sensations that the nature of the Dolomites can give. The beauty of the light on the Dolomite peaks, the vitality of the colors of flowers and plants, the breath at high altitudes. A riot of sensorial feelings that internationally renowned photographer Emilio Tini was able to capture in an ideal way from the face of Dutch model Ymre Stiekema. The selected shots were used to spread the brand’s DNA on a series of communication tools such as adverts, window signs, shoppers and event posters.
category: Style & Brand identity
client: Dolomia
year: 2017